You know, accessorizing isn't just about throwing on some pieces to jazz up your outfit; it's about really owning your look and bringing out your beauty. And let's talk about earrings today.

Finding the perfect pair can totally transform your vibe, especially when you factor in your face shape. Whether you've got a round face or a heart-shaped one, each face shape has its own little quirks when it comes to picking the right earrings to accentuate your beauty.

Before diving into earring selection, it's essential to understand your face shape correctly. Here's a brief overview:


 earrings for different face shape

Oval Face: Oval faces are longer than they are wide, with balanced proportions and gently curved edges. This versatile face shape can carry various earring styles with ease.

Square Face: Square faces feature strong, angular jawlines, straight sides, and a broad forehead. The width of the forehead, cheeks, and jawline is relatively uniform.

Round Face: Round faces have soft, curved lines with similar widths and lengths. The cheeks are typically the widest part of the face, and the jawline is rounded.

Diamond Face: Diamond faces are characterized by narrow foreheads and jaws with wider cheekbones. The face is longer than it is wide, with a pointed chin.

Rectangular Face: Rectangular faces are longer than they are wide, with a strong jawline and forehead. Cheekbones may not be as prominent as other face shapes.

Heart Face: Heart-shaped faces have wider foreheads that taper down to a narrower chin (I always couldn't decide if my face shape is diamond or heart, and this decides for me -- I have a wide forehead), resembling the shape of a heart. Cheekbones are usually prominent.

Now that we've got that sorted, let's talk about how to select earrings for different face shapes:

1. Oval Face:

  • Lucky you! Oval faces can pull off almost any earring style effortlessly.
  • Experiment with various shapes, from studs to hoops to chandelier earrings.

With so many earring options for oval face shapes, I'll pick some of my personal favorites that I also think would suit an oval face shape perfectly.

Here is a pair featuring a simple drop design, classic, versatile, and just stunningly beautiful.▼

While I've never been to Nagasaki, this pair of knotted crystal drop earrings has sparked so much of my imagination about the coastal city ▼

Studs are always so chic. The Vea stud is my personal fav, so I'll recommend this pair for any oval face shapes out there. ▼

2. Square Face:

  • Soften the angular features with curved or rounded earrings.
  • Hoops, teardrops, and oval-shaped earrings are excellent choices.
  • Steer clear of overly angular designs that may accentuate the squareness of the jawline.

Choosing earrings for square face shapes is easier than you might think. For starters, there are so many stylish round hoop or C-hoop designs that can never go out of style. Here are a few options from Artsory. ▼


The classic drop earrings design offers a ton of options as well. Just pick a pair that has a rounder overall look ▼

These earrings feature an oval-shaped pearl drop and some round gemstones, adding a touch of natural grace to the look. ▼


3. Round Face:

  • Opt for angular or geometric shapes to add definition and elongate the face.
  • Long drop earrings or dangles create the illusion of length.
  • Avoid overly round or hoop earrings, as they can emphasize the roundness of the face.

This pair of earrings from Artsory perfectly match the needs of a round face: it features edgy geometric shapes, and has a long drop, but not too long still it's still suitable for everyday wear. ▼

For a chic and elegant look, try this pair of threader earrings to elongate the round face shape.▼

If you are in the mood for a floral touch, try this Zarae earrings design that features a toothpick baroque pearl that is perfect for a round face shape.▼

4. Diamond Face:

  • Enhance the cheekbones with earrings that add width at the jawline.
  • Try hoops, curves, or wider styles to balance the angular features.
  • Avoid overly long earrings that may elongate the face further.

For diamond faces, the key is to balance the angles with softer lines. Here are two pair of hoops that will do it ▼

One of the trending earrings at Artsory are really perfect for diamond face shapes too, the perfect drop shape of the pearl drop just adds so much elegance. ▼

5. Rectangular Face:

  • Include earrings that add softness to the strong jawline.
  • Opt for medium to long earrings to create the illusion of width.
  • Avoid overly small or narrow earrings that can elongate the face.

For rectangular faces, the key is to mitigate the strong jawline. Staying with hoops is usually safe. The pink quartz on the Isolara can also add a touch of romance and soften the overall appearance more. ▼

Speaking of romantic earrings, this floral-inspired pair also also perfect for those who want to soften their hard angles.

6. Heart Face:

  • Balance the wider forehead with earrings that draw attention downwards.
  • Teardrop or chandelier earrings complement the face shape beautifully.
  • Avoid earrings that add bulk to the upper part of the face, such as wide or oversized studs.

I have a heart-shaped face and so does our designer Jennifer here at Artsory. But we actually are into totally different styles when it comes to selecting earrings.

My No.1 pick has to be this pair, I receive a ton of compliments when I wear them, and I also feel beautiful whenever I put them on, that's what matters the most right? ▼

I also love this pair, it has a little bit of flair but with an understated grace. I always pair it with my pearl pendant necklace.▼

Jennifer is your typical designer, always-on-trend person, she always wears this pair to work. The black agate stones just look so stylish on her!▼


When it comes to selecting earrings, it's important to remember that you don't have to strictly adhere to any set of rules. After all, you need to feel good about what you are wearing.

I know we've talked about things like soften strong jawlines, or lengthening round faces, but sometimes, they are actually features we are proud of, so we don't need to "mitigate anything". The above guide provides helpful general rules, but don't hesitate to embrace your unique style and preferences. After all, confidence and comfort are the most essential accessories.

Additional Tips for Earring Selection

  • Consider the Season and Occasion: Match your earrings to the season and occasion. For example, during the summer months, opt for vibrant colors and lightweight materials like beads or shells. For formal events, such as weddings or galas, choose elegant, statement earrings that complement your attire.
  • Take Your Hairstyle into Account: Your hairstyle can influence how earrings are perceived. If you have short hair or wear an updo, consider statement earrings to draw attention to your face. For longer hair, delicate or medium-sized earrings may be more suitable to avoid overwhelming your look.
  • Match Earrings with Clothing: Coordinate your earrings with your outfit to create a cohesive look. If you're wearing patterns or bold colors, opt for simpler earrings to avoid clashing. For monochrome or neutral outfits, feel free to experiment with bold and colorful earrings to add interest.
  • Experiment with Different Materials: Explore earrings in various materials, such as gold, silver, gemstones, or even fabric. Different materials can complement different skin tones and outfit styles.

In conclusion, selecting earrings that complement your face shape can elevate your overall appearance and add a touch of sophistication to any outfit. By understanding your face shape and considering factors like the season, occasion, hairstyle, and clothing, you can discover the perfect pairings that highlight your best features. So go ahead, explore, and have fun with your earring choices—you'll be amazed at the difference it makes!

About Artsory

Artsory is a handcrafted statement jewelry brand that uses upcycled and recycled materials for its jewelry pieces. Each piece is meticulously handcrafted with high-quality materials for enduring style.